Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Submission Email (Temp...)

Hey everyone!

We now have a way for all of our members or non-members to submit their wonderful work!  We are gladly accepting many different kinds of art, even ones that may not be related to literature. Here are the things we are accepting for admission...

  • Poems
  • Short-Stories
  • Non-fiction
  • Fiction
  • Flash Fiction
When submitting have these types of work as a Word document (doc., or docx.) ...It will be easier for everyone that way.

  • Photography
  • Art ( 2-D, 3-D)
When submitting, please save these pieces as jpg files. 

If you would like to show us and others your amazing art... you can email them to the email below. ( Note: For now this email is temporary, but later you will be able to upload your work to our Submittable account  ... But no worries! As soon as we have one we will update and let you know!) 


If you have any questions about our club you can email our teachers down below:

dwhite@tempeunion.org (Please only contact Mr.White when you have questions about submission)

We are waiting for your amazing creations,
Lit Mag and Creative Writing Members

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